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Many States require by Law, for Public Swimming Pools and Bathing Beaches, to have their water tested once a week for possible Microbiological Contamination. These Contaminations can range from an intestinal virus to an allergic skin reaction for you or a family member.

Wouldn't you rather swim in water that you knew had been tested to make sure that the water is safe for you and your family? ELI performs over 10,000 Microbiological Tests every year and approximately 2,500 are tests for Swimming Pools and Bathing Beaches. We test for Multiple Microorganisms in every Pool and Bathing Beach Sample submitted to us. ELI is Certified by numerous States for Microbiological Testing in Pools and Bathing Beaches.

We provide a 24/7 Hot Line for you to call 365-days/year for us to provide emergency testing for Swimming Pools and Bathing Beaches. That´s right!..., we will come in and accept a sample from you at our laboratory, test it, read it and report it to you, even if it is a Week-End or a Holiday!

We have numerous Private Family Accounts that simply want the "comfort" to know that their pool water is "Micro-Safe" for their family use.

Did you know that you can have a Chlorine Residual in your Pool Water and all of your other Pool Chemicals can be "in balance" and yet you can still have dangerous levels of Total Coliform, E-Coli or HPC Bacteria present? The best way to have "peace of mind" in this regard, is to have a State Certified Laboratory like ELI test your Pool Water and in turn provide you with a Certified Report to validate the true condition of your Pool, Microbiologically.

ELI also performs Pool Water Profiles! If you wish to know the Hardness, pH, Alkalinity, Metals Content and more for your pool water or you just want your Pool tested for possible Micro-Contamination, simply Contact Us and we will provide you with an inventory of Certified Sample Bottles ASAP.

ELI cares about Customer Service and we want to make your Swimming Pool Testing easy. In many geographic areas, we have Route Drivers who can come and collect your Pool Water Sample, deliver it to our Laboratory for testing and we will in turn provide copies of your Certified Report to you and the appropriate State Agency. If you wish to collect your own Pool Sample , then you only have to ship it to our Madison, IN Lab and we will take it from there. There are numerous ways to ship to us by Private Contractors such as UPS or FEDEX.

People we do Pool Testing For:

• City Parks

• Hotels

• School Systems

• State Parks

• Private Country Club

• Water Parks

• Private Housing Groups

• Apartment Complexes

• Individual Homes

• Mobile Home Parks

ELI is a leader in providing State-of-the-Art technology for you to have 24/7 Access to your Lab Testing Results and your Accounting/Invoicing with ELI via the World Wide Internet. This FREE Customer Service really comes in handy when you have to provide Analytical History to Local and State Agencies, months or even years after the fact. Contact one of our Friendly Sales Staff, to set up a "Pool Testing Account" today!