As in all cases, we provide stellar Performance and the absolute best in Customer Service that can be offered in this industry. We have countless references of satisfied customers who will tell you that we know how to Manage a given Project and "get the job done right the first time"!
ELI will perform every task for you, from hiring the man power for the project, to reporting the results from your analytical tests to the respective State and Federal Agencies and everything in between. It could also be that you have just one or two "special logistics" that you need for us to Manage on your behalf, while you in fact handle everything else. Give us the chance to help you solve your logistical challenges when it comes to Managing Special Projects…we thrive on new opportunities!
Below is a list of Projects that we have managed for over the past many years! If you see a category that you have interest in or have one in mind that is not on our list, we would enjoy hearing from you. No matter if it is a project for your Utility, Industry or Private Client Interest, please do not hesitate to Contact Us..
• Management of Certified Operators for Wastewater Utility or Wastewater Industry - Our Certified Operators will meet all of the respective State’s requirements in attending and operating your Waste Water System. This saves you time and money! No full time employee salary to pay, no benefits package to support, no employee headaches. ELI’s Certified Operators take care of everything from A-Z.
• On Site Sample Collection Management - Drinking Water, Waste Water, Solid Waste, Raw Materials and more!
• Manpower Management - Your Company is based out of the State and your "Special Project" is located in one or more other States in the Continental U.S. and you do not have the time to cover the "Manpower Logistics". We will take care of this headache for you! We will advertise, interview and hire the Man Power to work under the ELI umbrella, while performing the tasks necessary to support your Project. You pay us a flat monthly fee and we take care of making sure that the job gets done "right and on time". This reflects well on you as the Parent Company of the Project with none of the logistical headaches.
• Special Courier Management - We manage a "Dedicated Courier Service" which is committed to picking-up and delivering items from your facility and in turn, delivering them to one or more geographic locations. The Courier can be available on a daily, weekly or "as needed" basis! We will Manage the logistics for this Service for you anywhere in the Continental U.S. This Service will pick-up Special Items from Contracts to Blue Prints, from Special Waste Water Samples to Metallurgical Samples, from Soil Samples on a Site Clean-Up to Water Samples from a Stream Impact Study. If you need a Courier who is dependable and will get the job done right, without the overhead costs of this person being directly under your employment…then give us a call today!
• Environmental Site Assessment Management - ELI welcomes the challenge of helping you establish a sound "Game Plan" in handling the Environmental Issues of today. If you have an Environmental Problem such as an Industry, Utility or Private Individual and need help, please give us a call. We will guide you in finding a starting point and we will see you successfully through to the finish line!
• Large Volume Sample Management - ELI has the manpower, equipment and facilities capability to Manage large volume sample loads for "Special Projects" both in the arenas of Drinking Water, Waste Water and Solid Waste. Organics, Inorganics and Microbiological Projects!
As a part of our Project Management Program, we can provide "RUSH" Turn-Around Time of your data when it is required. ELI also provides you 24/7 access to your Analytical Data on the World Wide Web and volume sample Pricing.
We have proven our ability to Manage projects successfully from Kansas to North Carolina and from Michigan to Kentucky. Allow us the opportunity to Manage your new or current Project today…you will be glad you did!